With over 30 years of experience in the field of water treatment, we hold academic certifications in Water Treatment processes, emphasizing the utilization of science and relying on proven, third-party validated water treatment products, all of which are proudly made in the USA.

Mark’s daughter works part time in Data input for behind the scenes help, but also serves on community as a Police Sgt.

Mark’s son who helps in the business, is also a full time Fireman/EMT serving our community.

Sales, service, and installation of residential and commercial water treatment systems: authorized local provider of the Reionator by WaterTech Ind. (city water); authorized dealer of Water Right products (well water). All equipment exclusive quality only available through trained, experienced water treatment, licensed contractors.

Testing of city, municipal, and private well water systems: (a) Basic onsite hardness and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) testing as well as bacteria, arsenic, lead, nitrates testing. (b) Also, full water analysis avail of 50-200 constituents. Get a more exclusive review of water quality.

Offering consultation and design services for all forms of new or existing water treatment systems: onsite installation design, water usage and quality assessment, handwritten schematics, and permitting, if necessary.

Sub-Contract Advisor: for new home construction implementing updated plumbing. Equipment assets for a more modern application of water quality, for a better homeowner experience. Giving the builder more professional assets for the custom build.

American Made Products. Highest Quality, Industry Best Warranties. National Strength, Local Commitment.


Foundation Finance
Gospel Rescue Mission

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